Friday, 22 June 2012

Fuck the Green Glass Door.

As annoying as my friends are when they lord their knowledge over me, as has happened twice in as many days (first with the door, then earlier with the numbers), it is particularly helpful for distracting me from other stuff, as opposed to being allowed to wallow in said stuff. So, lording or no, thank you, guys.
Today's not been particularly good. I wonder if there was any significance in the rainbow dress she wore. The one she bought with me when I got my duck dress, that time we were in town a few weeks ago. I get the impression that our friend thinks I'm being paranoid and immature. Who knows, maybe I am. Or, maybe I'm avoiding eye contact and conversation because I know the resulting mess will take forever to sort out. The exact nature of the mess, I don't know. An argument, a fight, tears, maybe. Who knows. Increasingly, I don't care.
It's been far too long since I've seen my Northants family. I miss them. 
Is it true, what you said, about her being... what was it... dull? Empty? I don't know if you were just saying that to comfort me, or if it's true and I've been blinded by the colours she wears and the precepts she lives by. I'm confused and a little broken and I don't know.
Herman Dune on repeat.
PS - Your testicles are dangling between the blades of a pair of enormous, serrated, tetanus-riddled scissors. I hardly need explain the procedure, should you fuck up. (You know who you are.)

1 comment:

Hatter said...

We miss you too beaut. Love you <3