Sunday 3 July 2011

...laugh it off

They say that laughter is the best medicine, and I have to say, I completely agree.
Think about the saddest moment of your life until you're nice and depressed. Now think of the best joke anyone's ever told you, the time your brother accidentally swore really loudly in a church, seeing your uncle get wasted at a wedding and stand up on a table and sing Lionel Richie, any one of the millions of things I've done to look like a tit over the years.
If you're anything like me, smiling upon recalling a happy/funny/enjoyable memory has always, and always will, have the ability to make any situation a little bit less crap. In this day and age, where unfortunate events and occurrences seem to be happening on a more regular basis than they were a few centuries ago, I think that's an important thing to remember.
Personal saddest moments of my life so far? Watching a family friend disintegrate as a result of MS in front of my eyes, being told by someone I love dearly that they want nothing to do with me, burying three pet cats, times I've felt alone and overlooked and all I've wanted to do is jump off a cliff to see if anyone gives a damn and actually pays attention to me.
And the best? Thrashing my brother at Tekken 3 [sad, but it got me hooked on what is, undeniably, the best game out there], undergoing a fit of epiphany last summer and realising just how amazing my friends are, the anticipation of knowing I'm going to be an auntie, times when I'm able to just chill and forget everything for a short time.
It's all relative; anything can be made good. Things happen, some good, some bad, and it's up to us to take everything in our stride - baby steps, one day at a time. We can learn something from every second of every day, something that makes us grow into who we are, and we could sit around forever and learn and become amazing people - but we're only human. All we can do is what we're capable of - and I genuinely believe that life will never throw at us that which we are not able to handle, if not immediately, then we grow to be able to handle it. If we can't like it, we learn to abide it. We're humans. We adapt.
Quote of the day: See... Once it's empty, you open up the cardboard and take it out and recycle it! It's like a striptease... for milk! *Hums suggestive music and strips a milk bottle* [The guy in Budgens who tried to sell me milk in a recyclable cardboard container earlier today]

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