Friday 10 June 2011

...turn them into a tangerine and pick them up.

Feeling awkward again, already. Marvellous. Anyway, check out my friend Ben's blog for the reasoning behind the title. [It's an in-joke which I wasn't actually a part of, but you know what I'm like for leaping at the opportunity to make a feasible connection between citrus fruits!] He's a really cool guy, and he's been an awesome friend over the last year or so, even though he actually hated me when he first met me.
[Dear Ben. Yes, I will always make you feel bad for that. No, I will never drop it. Bastard.]
Anyhoo - last whole-year exam today! Saddest day of my entire schooling life so far, mainly because it's the last time I'll see any of "the gang" in school, but even more so because it was a bitch of a maths exam.
Collectively, we are, without a doubt, the awesomest people on the planet. There are four of us, and I'm the only girl - lucky me! - but sometimes Fran joins us, and enlightens us all with her unequalled randomosity and ability to go from discussing tampons with herself at great depth to flashing everyone within a mile radius to quietly reading a book within the space of thirty seconds. She's a lovely girl :)
So there's Ben: the Green Giant, Rory: the "profound" one, Stefan: "the one who comes out with the most brilliant little quotes" and meee: the ditzy, borderline-slutty malteaser [blonde on the inside].
I don't know how we came to be our little gang - Stefan and Ben go wayyyy back, Rory joined the school a couple of years before I did, and I arrived at the start of year ten, this neurotic, massively insecure ginger girl who didn't say much for the first six months and only found her feet after she'd been attending the bloody school for a year. Odd combo, but it works.
Anyway, yeah. So there we were, the five of us curled up underneath a staircase in the English block, familiarising ourselves with the cobwebs and cocks and mysterious white stains on the walls and ceiling for maybe five hours after the [disastrous] maths exam like weird little gremlins with an aversion to light, soaking up the last few hours of each other's oddness before summer. It was nice knowing that, even though I'm about to leave, damnit, I've found some people I can be around without feeling like I have to wear a mask because I'm wary of what they'll think of me. Not that I don't care what they think of me - but I know they've fallen for my endless charm, matchless intelligence and mindblowing good looks which so many people overlook. Thanks, guys :)
I'm getting all nostalgic and sentimental now. Seriously, go to Ben or Rory's blog for their take on our group's awesomeness - Ben manages to strike a balance between charmingly camp and deep and philosophical, and Rory is just Rory. Facetious, sarcastic, opinionated, awesome. [FOUR adjectives - who's a lucky boy, eh?]
Quote of the day: When you're chewing on life's gristle, Don't grumble - give a whistle, And this'll help things turn out for the best, And... always look on the bright side of life [Monty Python's Life of Brian]
Until next time x


Rory said...

(correction: I joined the school one year before you did. Facecious or what:P)

unamed said...

rory that just sums up why i'm gonna miss you so much! :)