Thursday, 8 December 2011

Wooooooaaaaaaaahhhhhh sweet child o' mine

How have I lived almost seventeen years and failed to hear that song until yesterday?! Madness!
On a bit of a high, not gonna lie - just got back from the first night of the pantomime I volunteered myself into a few months ago, and, as a performance, it was so damn good! Teeheeheee, I love life. Even if I am cross-dressing, again. Ahh, I'm going to miss the cast so much when it's over - I'm probably going to wake up the morning after the last performance and be like, "What do i do with my life now?"
Until then, I'm just going to bask in the awesomeness that is Cinderella. Biggest social climber in the history of fairy tales, when you think about it. I'm not her, I'm Dandini [or Prince Charming's submissive, obedient bitch on the side]. He's pretty cool, when Charming's freaking out about his future bride buggering off at the Ball, Dandini's all like "Hey, be cool, she's not that good anyway." :P

1 comment:

Hatter said...

You hadn't heard it before???? *Dies of disbelief* Good to see you t'other day deary. Much love xx