Monday 26 December 2011

Happy birthday, Jesus!

It seems that my downbeat and generally mopey attitude yesterday helped get the bad feeling out of my system - aside from a minor hitch*, my sixteenth Christmas on this planet has been great. I actually woke up quite late, for me, for Christmas morning - about half 8? - and we've got more family coming over tomorrow so we're doing the "proper" dinner then, but the pheasant we had was really nice, actually. First time I'd had it and within five minutes I was rabidly gnawing any meat off the little bones because it tasted so damn good. My sister and her husband and baby Leo joined us in the afternoon, and I spent as much time as I could babynapping the wee one because I know that tomorrow, the competition will be much more fierce :P he's getting more gorgeous every time I see him. Liz gave me a framed picture she took of him wearing my massive nerd glasses a few weeks ago - he's so damn cute it should be illegal! The hair yanking is admittedly painful but all the same, the way he does all these adorable things is just brilliant. Multiple chinning it, that's my Leo. Did I write about him when he was born? Probably not, because I went through a stage of not writing anything, didn't I. My nephew was born in mid-September and... Let's just say, before he gummed his way into my life, I was a pathological child-hater. They're not that bad anymore. I'm going to stop talking about the baby now. 
Anyway - my entire family chipped in and bought me a guitar! I've called him Hermann and he's just... just beautiful. He came with a bright yellow strap and all. I've been so spoiled this year, and I'm really grateful for everything I've been given :) Bring on New Year!
Quote of the day: He's bending down now. Oh look, now he's getting up again. I knew he'd do that. [Bernard Black, Black Books]
* At about one minute past midnight really early Christmas morning, I walked into the living room to watch Borat and stubbed and broke my toe on the bastard sofa. Merry Christmas, Katherine!

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