Tuesday 3 January 2012

The Christmas-New Year State of Utter Limbo

You know what I mean. There's six days between Christmas day and New Year's Eve, and they're the most disconcerting six days in the calendar. You spend your time alternating between weeping over the newly-developed love handles and drinking too much eggnog, "because it won't keep". That's what Granny was saying after her third, anyway. 
So my second Christmas with extended family was great. I ate my body weight in roasties. Sweet, sweet roasties. They bought me Will Young's new album, Echoes! No one makes me happy in quite the way that Will Young does. Yeah, similar to Hatter actually, we played a game with scissors while my nephew [I'm never going to get used to saying that] slept and, a bit later when he'd woken up again, we had a pass-the-parcel. Bloody hilarious, watching two eighty-something women trying to play Mistletoe and Wine on kazoos as a forfeit fiendishly invented by myself. 
The next two days passed in a largely guitar-oriented blur. Attempting to learn Personal Jesus by Johnny Cash - it's on my bucket list now, to perform that song in public on the guitar, so I have to learn it now. Beginning to wish I'd picked an easier song.
Went back home to Northants on the 29th, inflicted my presence on the Pygmy and her family. Honestly, I wonder why they haven't banned me from staying with them yet, I must be such an inconvenience. The day after, some of the guys came over and we all hung out in her wee bedroom for a few hours, just a-chattin' and truth-or-dare-in' and stuff. It was so, so lovely to see them again - I wish I'd been able to see more people, but in actuality it was probably perfect with just five of us. We all know the bedroom got hot enough. In retrospect I see that some of the stuff I said about people who weren't there weren't pleasant but the person in question is everything I despise in this world. Going off topic in euphemistic efforts to justify myself, she let me down after a decade of being closer to me than a sister. I'm more upset about the wasted years than the fact she's nothing to me anymore. It's her own stupid fault I can't stand her anyway.
Not that I'm bitter or anything, eh!
Bringing this back to a somewhat lighthearted tone, New Year was... Ugh, screw lighthearted. I'll be able to laugh about it next year, put it that way.
Lost my Sherlock Holmes virginity on the 1st, curled up on another friend's sofa with a Baileys. How can I have lived almost 17 years and not have completely fallen in love yet! I missed the entire first series of the Steven Moffat interpretation! Oh, Benedict Cumberpatch! Get in my bed! Ahh, happy times. 
Got back earlier today, did some pretty damn intensive revision and then, after mum and dad had gone to sleep, went and dyed my hair. It's not dry yet so I'm not sure how it'll turn out, but I'm willing to bet it'll be a darker shade of purple and it'll almost definitely be humiliatingly streaked with great patches of ginger because I'm rubbish at everything. I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out, but my head reeks of ammonia. I don't even want to think about the noxious fumes now lingering around all my respiratory orifices. 
I asked my parents earlier today if, instead of being given driving lessons for my 17th in a few weeks, I could be given money to do a CBT course. Yeah, I'd love to be able to drive a car, but they're so damn expensive, the lessons are so damn expensive, fuel is expensive, maintenance is expensive, insurance is expensive - and I'd still fail my test. I want to learn to drive a motorbike; all I have to do is convince mum and dad of the logistical and fiscal benefits. On top of that, motorbikes are damn sexy. Mopeds, not so much, and seeing as that's what you have to drive for 2 years before progressing to anything with an engine more powerful than 125cc, I needn't get too excited about looking hot on a bike yet - but I can dream. Mopeds are better than nothing.
I have a friend I haven't seen for a couple of weeks and it's bothering me more than I thought it would. I'm surprised by how much I miss him. We don't even go to the same school anymore so I don't know when I'll see him next, but, yeah. I miss him.
Ohhhh shit. Exams in, what, 8 days? I'm freaking out. Damn biology. Damn psychology. Damn life!
Quote of the Day: Though I know I'll never lose affection for people and things that went before, I know I'll often stop and think about them. [In My Life, The Beatles]

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