Sunday 5 February 2012

Good craic ☺

Sunshine Song, Jason Mraz - and if you're up for listening to the most disconcertingly filthy song in the universe, try Butterfly. The word is never going to mean the same thing to me ever again.
I have a wee cousin [well, not all that wee, she's only a year younger than I am], for the purposes of this, called E, who's living way up in the highlands, and there're a few things she needs to know:
  1. Her smile is infectious;
  2. As is her laugh;
  3. Some of the best times of my life I've been lucky enough to spend with her;
  4. Her willingness to make a friend of anyone, no matter who they are, will always make her special;
  5. I envy her musical instinct, and seemingly-endless talent;
  6. She is one of the most original, funny, clever, inspirational people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting;
  7. She's beautiful. In every way;
  8. Any guy who can say they've met her and hasn't fallen completely in love with her is a closet homosexual.
Hey, lil' cuz. I miss you. I know I don't always show it, because I'm a rubbish cousin, but that text you sent me a couple of days after my birthday... It's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me. I didn't reply because I didn't know how to - and I'm sorry. You're brilliant, and I wish I could match your brilliance. You think you've messed up and done people wrong and, while I don't know the full story, I know it's going to be okay in the end, because you're going to keep growing and learning and developing into a beautiful, mature, incredible young woman, and I can't wait to see you in five, ten, fifteen years, on your wedding day, getting married to the man you deserve, still making everyone around you smile with your little jokes and remarks and stories and facts and dances and songs, still being the amazing person you are. If it's not okay, it's not the end yet. I love you, E ♥

I was meant to be going out tonight and the sudden influx of snow over England has made getting any vehicle in or out of my village a suicide mission. I'm... really bummed. I was looking forward to it.
On the upside, the sudden snow has allowed for some relatively pretty pictures to be taken, like the... half-arsed camera fiend I am:
Subject focus! Yes!
Quote of the Day: Families are like fudge; mostly sweet with a few nuts.
PS - Something to cheer everyone up. Ahh, there's nothing quite like a drunk man dancing.

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