Friday, 25 May 2012


Went into Ipswich with Alien today - we went into the shop that is way too cool for the likes of me, that sells dreamcatchers and sixteen-person bongs and that kind of thing, to get my tragus pierced and, despite providing a student railcard [an official document including my date of birth and a passport photo] to prove that I'm over sixteen, they wouldn't accept it as legitimate ID. So the girl said that I'd have to get a parent on the phone in order to get one. In retrospect, I don't know why I didn't give her my sister's number and hope for the best, but she rang mum and asked her for my age, told her what I was after, and had no choice but to ask me kindly to leave the premises after mum went and said that she'd "really rather I didn't get any more piercings than I already have". Grr. Acquired a stretcher instead though, so I'll rebel in another way. Which do you think is less ugly? A tragus ring or a massive earlobe that flaps in the wind? Rather I didn't, tchuh. They're my ears. Other than that of my mother, the attitudes of some people towards body modifications pisses me off so much. Eww, why would you want loads of piercings, they're disgusting - imbecile, don't look at them! Get back to wanking over your One Direction poster, fucking bigot.
[NB - Ben, I'm not referring to you because, unlike some others, you're not going about expressing your disapproval in a way that makes me angry. And I know you prefer Justin Bieber.]
Anyway, yeah. Other than the tragus mishap [which really didn't enrage me very much at all, I'm making it out to be way more annoying than it actually was], I had a thoroughly enjoyable day. We ate so much crap, and the feeling of victory after finishing whatever sweetmeat we were tackling at the time was matchless. We went and saw Dark Shadows which we agreed is pretty forgettable. Not that it's bad, just not brilliant. Still. The cinema was almost empty and we had a great time. And there's a relatively new shop in town that advertises as selling everything for a fiver, full of end-of-the-line crap from other clothing shops. There're no changing rooms or anything so everything you buy is a gamble, made more massive by the fact that I don't think they take refunds. Alien and I both took massive gambles and got a dress each, and promptly monopolised the toilets in Marks and Spencer to experiment and found that they're both great. Her's is particularly awesome. It's rainbow striped. She said she's going to wear it to Pride later this year, which is great. Ohh I can't wait for Pride! So then in our new dresses we headed to this enormous park, the kind so achingly pretty that you wonder how it can possibly exist in a dive such as Ipswich, and lay there in the sun for a while. It was so... contented. 
Band practice in the evening. Increasingly, I love going. 
If you can be bothered, listen to this. I don't like Russell Brand, but I had no idea he could sing. I could not be more surprised by how good he is. 

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