Thursday, 2 May 2013

Up n coming

Yesterday wasn't very good. Neither was the day before it. Or the day before that. But today was good. I successfully argued my point in Literature, that William Blake was an arrogant berk with something of a superiority complex. It's funny, how little it takes for a day to be good.
Dad gave me a piece of advice some time ago, that goes something like this: there are people that matter, and there are people that don't. Try and not confuse them.
I mean - that makes sense, right? There's no need to care about people who aren't good for you. It sounds cold, to me, but logical is cold. Logical is trustworthy. Feelings change, people change their minds, people change, but logic... kind of stays the same. Well, no, it evolves as things are proved and disproved and discovered and reduced to extinction, but it doesn't undulate the way that subjectivity does.
What the hell am I talking about. Jeez, Katherine.
Annalise's party is this Saturday. I'm looking forward to it. I'll bury myself into a group of people who can stand me and get far more drunk than could ever be considered wise. And then I'll say stupid things to people who don't matter but that's okay because they don't matter.
Something's changed, of late. People who I before actively disliked... I've become indifferent. Like Dad said, they don't matter. So few people matter. It's so much less hassle.

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