Sunday, 8 January 2012

40th post!

I feel this calls for a celebration!

Wow. Funny to think that I've reached a four and an oh. Well, not that funny. I reached a three and a nine easily enough, it was only a matter or time until the big guy came along.
Why am I so abnormal...
Anyway, I don't really have anything to talk about. Nothing deep and philosophical, or humorous and lighthearted, or furious and rant-worthy. I'm just not feeling any of those adjectives at the moment. So maybe just a normal catchup is in order?
Actually, nah. I'm too lazy. This really has been a waste of everyone's time, hasn't it? Sorry about that. I do sometimes wish I was less of a shit and just got on with stuff, actually did my work on time and contained my blog posts to meaningful fables/inspirational musings and all, but it's just not going to happen anytime soon. Until then, it looks like I'm just going to carry on doing stuff I shouldn't when I should be doing stuff to get me where I ultimately wish to go. It's pretty good, having no ambition or work ethic, actually.
Oh - I've decided on my New Year's Resolutions:
  1. Tick ten things off on my bucket list.
  2. Learn to cook more basic meals.
  3. Go an entire year without eating meat.
Reasonably doable, right?
Quote of the Day: Smile as if we actually like her. [Jack, inspiring himself and the person on my other side to look happy for a photo]


unamed said...

why no meat, we've been doing it the whole of mankind, even jesus had no issues with it and he was famously problematic! why are you deciding it (i'm presuming) unethical or unhealthy now?

Kit said...
watch the video if you think you're up to stomaching some of the most horrific things i've ever seen