Wednesday 11 January 2012

This is becoming something of an addiction, this "blogging" business

I've always wondered what other people say about me... I don't know whether it's more annoying for people to tell you that they've been doing so but not actually say what they said, or for them to lie and furiously deny it. Hmm.
Biology was... ugh. Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but then it would have had to be truly disastrous to have been worse. At least that was my last exam. I refuse to think about them now, until I get the results sometime in March. I've decided, just to torture myself some more, that I'm going to film myself opening them and I pinky promise to put a link up on here, just so anyone who still reads this can laugh at my pitiful attempt at the education system or, worse, go "Three Fs! That's amazing! Three Fs, well done! I only got fifty kajillion As but - wow, what I'd give to be you, with your three Fs! You're so clever! Three Fs - three Fs! Life just couldn't get much better for you, could it?" I'm not interested - anything less than a B, for myself, is a disappointment, and I want y'all to make me feel shit if I do badly, ok? Which is looking kind of likely, if I'm honest. I'm predicting myself a B in psychology and Ds in both biology and general studies. Maybe the shattered self-esteem will motivate me to actually do some work for the rest of the year an' all.
Quote of the Day: Always deny the apocalypse, because you're almost always right, and if you're wrong, there'll be no one around to say "I told you so". [Charlie McDonnell]

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