Tuesday 10 January 2012

This study can be criticised for lacking in ecological validity, owing to the highly artificial envirobabble Inuit flibajib harrram blimple sock meargghh *brainmelt*

Man, I'm hungry.
Psychology exam went depressingly badly. I referred to Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg, respected psychologists who compiled the cultural variations of Ainsworth's Strange Situation developmental study, as "the two Swedish guys". I've since found out neither of them is even from Sweden. I fail.
Flamboyant Sam announced that he likes to read this because it's a "useful insight into my mind". Am I really that hard to read? I'm usually pretty blatant about most things. Hi, Sam.
Quote of the Day: Make sure that she sees. Let the whole world know you belong to me. [Walk Me Down the Middle, Band Perry]

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