Monday 9 January 2012


What am I doing on this! I have a bastard exam tomorrow and my head is no more filled with psychorelevant babble than it was when I started the damn course in September. BOLLOCKS.
On the upside, I think I've committed two cool words to my internal dictionary, which I've known for a while but have, until now, had a mental block on: "proverbial" and "sanctimonious". Win.
I have a friend who nabbed herself a boyfriend sometime in November, and she's so damn happy. I feel like such a bitch for being jealous, but it's so frustrating, this little, life-dominating problem I have with finding someone not miles out of my league to fall for, and for being so mean to people crazy enough to fall for me, who, if I was any sort of sane, would leap at the opportunity to be with. It's like my head wants me to be miserable.
Gnuh indeed.
Quote of the Day: Here's my advice on women: don't give them nicknames like "jumbo". [Homer Simpson]

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