Sunday 22 January 2012


Hellfire, from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame. Watched that film last night [like the cool person I am] for the first time in, honestly, about 8 years, and that song was always the one that I didn't like when I was little so I'd skip it, but watching it last night made me see for the first time what a fricking good, terrifying song it is. Shivered me timbers, you might say. Surprisingly dark, too, for Disney. The themes of Hell and lust, in one song? Pretty deep. Though he'd better improve his pickup lines if he ever wants to score. "Be mine or you will burn" leaves  a lot to be desired.
Today's been really good. Pub quiz with the parents was made infinitely more bearable by the appearance of... do you have a false name, you? Anyway. Between us we effectively aced the music round, I became worryingly overexcited at winning a litre of 37.5% gin and he even got a potential job opportunity - by constantly twiddling with the biggest ukulele I've ever seen :P It was great. 
Birthday in 2 days! Crap! I don't want to grow up - 17 is so damn old.
Quote of the Day: [Babysitting E, 5, and J, 3, earlier this evening]
     Me: *humming*
     E: Can you stop making that noise?
     Me: Why?
     E: Because we'd like some peace and quiet.

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